About Us
Food Services understands that today’s student faces many challenges, both inside and outside the classroom. A fundamental need of all children and young adults is good nutrition. Food Services works collaboratively with the Connecticut State Department of Education’s Office of Child Nutrition to improve the health and education of children by creating innovative public and private partnerships that promote nutritious food choices. Our staff have many years of experience in managing, operating, and implementing food service programs.
We offer a menu of management and consultative services including:
National School Lunch Program (NSLP)
School Breakfast Program (SBP)
Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP)
Summer Food Service Program (SFSP)
Customized meal planning and menu development
State Administrative Review assistance from guidance to comprehensive preparation and completion
Farm-to-School Locally Grown Initiatives
Processing/allocation of Government Commodities funds
Management/facilitation of State reimbursement claims
Healthy Foods Initiatives
Food Service personnel management and training
Technical assistance and comprehensive training programs
Professional management and support
State of the art accounting and reporting systems
Catering and special events